Hiring for a New Company in 2020

There is no denying that the job market is really tight and that the level of economic activity happening today is a true phenomenon. So, if you are planning on launching a top business this year, growing an existing one, or correcting any previous bad hires, you must prepare and tailor your company for the current job market. 

Being Competitive

Paying someone a fair wage for the job role they fill is the very basic of what you need to do as a hiring company. But in order to recruit top talent, you need to provide more than just the minimum. Here are 10 items that I see being offered to prospective employees in 2020. Some of these may or may not apply to your industry, but use them as a starting point and tailor them to fit your business and market.

    1. Health Insurance - Medical, Dental, Vision, etc.

    2. Retirement/401k 

    3. Continuing Education - Masters Degrees, Bachelor’s Degrees, Industry Certifications, etc.

    4. Birthdays/Anniversaries Off

    5. Family Leave

    6. Metric and Pay Incentives

    7. Scaled Commission Schedule

    8. Fitness Center Benefit

    9. Work from Home

    10. Coaching - Life, Sales, Family, etc.

Figure out what works best for you and create a compelling case for successful people to come work with you!