Starting Today vs. Tomorrow
/Did you hit the snooze button this morning, or did you accomplish your goal of getting to the gym?
Did you eat a healthy breakfast, or did you grab whatever on the way to work?
Did you start your day with the easiest task on your list, or the hardest?
Most of us have goals and we tell ourselves we will put in the work to start them. These goals are all very similar such as wanting to lose weight, start a business, save more money, travel more, spend more time with family, etc. The today version of you will always make excuses and will rationalize on starting tomorrow. We all want the tomorrow version of ourselves, but aren’t willing to change the today version.
Eventually you have to just start acting like the version of yourself that you want to be. You have to be willing to do the work to be that person, otherwise you will never achieve the highest version of yourself.
If you start every day acting like the future version of yourself, you will successfully become that version. You will develop new habits that mold you into the person that you want to be.
You are not destined to be the person you are today. You can change it. You can achieve your goals. Stop hitting snooze on your future and the person that you were meant to be.